Sedation Dentistry at Clearwater, FL

We Can Help Your Dental Anxiety

Clearwater Dentist places a high priority on your comfort and the trust you build with our team. Our goal is to create a comfortable environment that makes you feel at ease and confident about the treatment you receive. Our dedicated dentist Dr. Nadia Pokrovskaya believes that everyone deserves to have a smile for which they can be proud, regardless of their past experiences or dental neglect.

We know that dental anxiety or fear of discomfort may prevent patients from receiving the necessary treatment. We offer Halcion, which induces a dreamlike and calming state to help patients overcome anxiety and receive treatment comfortably. This is a great option for nervous patients of any age.

The Halcion dental conscious sedation is not just for dental anxiety, but it also prioritizes your physical and mental well-being throughout your treatment. We want to make your experience positive and stress free, so that you can relax and get the treatment you need without anxiety or fear.

You will be in a relaxed, alert state during the process. Dr. Pokrovskaya can give you instructions but you won't remember the procedure. You can receive treatments while feeling relaxed and calm.

Halcion sedation has transformed the lives of many patients. They have emerged from a dreamlike state to reveal a new, healthy and beautiful smile. Do not hesitate to call our office today and make an appointment if dental anxiety is keeping you from getting dental care. We are dedicated to providing safe, effective and compassionate dental care that will help you achieve optimal oral health and a confidence smile.


Patient Reviews

Why We Use Halcion in Sedation Dentistry

Halcion offers strong anxiolytic effects to help patients relax during dental procedures and feel at ease, especially those experiencing anxiety or fear associated with dental treatments. This medication may prove especially useful for these situations.

Halcion can produce sedative effects that induce sleepiness and relaxation, making dental procedures simpler without discomfort or anxiety for patients.

Amnesic Effects: Triazolam may produce short-term anterograde amnesia, meaning patients may not recall much about their dental procedure afterward - this can be beneficial to those wanting to avoid recalling any unpleasant aspects of it later.

Rapid Onset and Short Duration: Halcion typically begins to work within 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion and continues for 2 to 4 hours; this allows dentists to achieve desired sedative effects quickly while adjusting dosage as necessary during procedures, but also ensures that its effects wear off shortly after treatment is over.

Ease of Administration: Halcion can be easily administered orally in pill form, making it convenient for both patient and dentist, since no invasive injections or other invasive forms of administration are needed.

Halcion can be an excellent addition to sedation dentistry for managing patient anxiety, relaxing the mind and body, and making dental procedures less traumatic. Dentists should carefully consider each patient's medical history and individual needs before prescribing Halcion or any other sedative medication and monitor patients during and post procedure to ensure safety and well-being.

Sedation and Dental Implants

Treatments That May 

Require Halcion

  • Place Dental Implants: Manage anxiety during implant surgery.

  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Eases discomfort during denture attachment.

  • Wisdom tooth extraction: reduces anxiety and pain during extraction.

  • Bone Grafting: Promotes relaxation during jawbone reconstruction.

We are committed to your comfort and well-being. We can discuss sedation options with you.

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